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Dale Davies is a 26 year old solo singer, songwriter, classic rock guitarist with a backing keyboardist for live performances. He has about 60 original and unique tracks that he has written and produced, twelve of which have been released from his soon to be complete album 'eternal bachelor'.
His four first released tracks are being played on about 30 different UK, USA, Canadian and Swedish radio stations including a highly rated review of Dale Davies on BBC Radio wales, lakelands radio, capital radio, celtica radio, castle radio, purebeat, red dragon radio, neil crud show, a few new york stations and there are plenty of other commercial radio stations considering playing them. Dale Davies' music has been played on the voodoo quota show. The welsh music channel has broadcast all his tracks. Capital Rock Show have dedicated a half hour to Dale as a featured artist playing four of his tracks and reading out his bio.
Dale's track 'take me high' is being used as a soundtrack by smooth motion films for an extreme sports dvd. His music video 'Its alright yeh' is being featured on a new york music video channel and Daves Indie Rock Talk (D.I.R.T.). Spill magazine, Space Junkie magazine, Sandman magazine, volume 2 of Diamondz in da ruff dvd magazine, Subba Cultcha and The Mag are all running a feature about him and a review of his music. Sky channel Pulse Rated are playing seven of Dale's singles and have featured him on their website. NBCs new show Star tomorrow will play a video clip of Dale live.
Tunetribe has teamed with 3mobile to offer to have his tracks turned into ringtones to give complimentary to 3mobile customers. The best myspace chart ratings Dale has had is number one for acoustics internationally, number eighteen for all genres internationally and he is regularly at number one for all genres in Wales.